After this, you can repeat the earlier steps to edit or make changes.Once you're done recording, hit Save and transcribe now to save your file.To do that, again from the Home tab, hit the down arrow right next to Dictate and click Transcribe.Apart from uploading audio, you can also record your audio and transcribe in real time.You can also play around with the audio controls if you want to hear the audio file for making corrections.Besides, you can also add the whole transcription to a document by clicking Add all to document or you can even add a specific section by hovering over the cursor over the section and clicking +.After you're done making the changes, hit the tick icon to confirm. Now that your file is transcribed, you can edit a segment by clicking the pencil icon.Once this is done, the transcription will be available to you in the pane right below.One more thing to note is that you can only upload audio files in wav, M4a, mp4 and mp3 formats. This takes a little while so don't close the window or refresh the page while your file uploads. Go ahead and hit Upload audio to upload an audio file for transcription.You'll now see two options - Upload audio and Start recording.In the Home tab, hit the down arrow right next to Dictate and click Transcribe.After you have logged in, create a new document.

Microsoft Word: How to transcribe an audio file